- trainers (including myself) can use for live classroom based training
- trainers (including myself) can use for remote training
- organizations can use to build an entire library of course materials
- students can use for self study
- are supplemented by a number of stand-alone technical papers
These courses cover:
- Application programming concepts (z/OS)
- CLIST, REXX, Dialog Manager
- JCL, DFSORT, Utilities
- Assembler language
- Language Environment
- z/OS UNIX System Services
- Creating and using DLLs and CGIs
In addition to mainframe courses, I produce a set of three online courses that teach
how to create web pages:
- Practical Windows for Small Business [and hobbies and non-profits]
This courses covers:
- Computer concepts and terms
- Windows concepts and terms
- Notepad
- Wordpad
- Paint
- Multi-tasking in Windows
Note: for my IBM mainframe (z/OS) friends: the labs for the two courses below can be
run using z/OS and the ISPF editor, oedit, ishell or ed or sed
- Creating websites using Notepad [or any other plain text editor]
This courses covers:
- Flow of data on the web
- HTML: elements and attributes
- CSS: style and style sheets
- Necessary infrastructure for the web
- JavaScript
- Flow of data on the web
- Images and maps
- Media (audio and video) on the web
- Links, tables, iFrames
- Forms and controls
- Advanced topics in web design and coding
This courses covers:
- Backgrounds: colors, gradients, images
- Server Side Includes
- CGIs and php
- php emails and string handling
- php file handling
- Designing for tablets and smartphones
This page last updated: 6 November, 2023
Copyright © 2023 by Steve Comstock