Introduction to Japan - 2015
Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains links to replies to various frequently asked questions.
To post a question, simply send an email to Steve and and he will add it to the website if it is deemed of interest to many in the group.
The topics:
- Do I need trip insurance?
- How do I figure out the time in Japan?
- How do I convert temperatures?
- How do I call Japan, and how can I call the States from Japan>
- How do I figure the dollar value of a Japanese yen amount?
- How do I change my dollars into Japanese yen?
- What is the money pool, and how is it managed?
- What kind of weather can we expect?
- What kind of clothes should I pack?
- Do you have any tips on packing for this trip?
- Can I do laundry on the trip?
- Should I join the GOES trusted traveler program?