Introduction to Japan - 2015
Denver Takayama Sister Cities
Home page
Welcome to our place ...
... where we will plan our trip from Denver to Japan in 2015!
These webpages are for everyone involved in our adventure to find out more about this trip, and to keep informed as we get closer to our departure.
In the box at left are links for you to find out:
- who else is taking this trip
- some ideas about the foods you might encounter and enjoy - or want to avoid
- information about the world heritage sites we will be visiting
- information about the people who are helping make this trip happen (travel agents, contacts in our destination cities and so on)
- events going on that you might be interested in because they provide opportunities to prepare and learn for this journey
- itinerary details
- pricing information
- some hints and tools to make the trip easier
You will also find links to provide information about the cities we will be visiting, resources you might find useful / helpful, and email addresses for your primary contacts.
We are planning to visit four or more World Heritage Sites in Japan on this trip.
Our trip is affiliated with Denver Sister Cities International (DSCI) and the Denver Takayama Sister City Committee (DTSCC). This means: to participate in the trip you must join DSCI. This is primarily for insurance purposes.
What's new on this website?
We are regularly adding and updating pages on the website. To help you keep up with changes, below is a list of the changes in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top).
- 10 April - updated site seeing plans for Kyoto
- 7 April - added pictures from dinner together at Blue Fin
- 6 April - added detail to Itinerary page (included links to hotels in the detail section)
- 4 April - added pictures and album structure
- 1 April - added sounds to some Japanese language pages (Expressions)
- 31 March - updated the checklist; updated Itinerary; add picture in MEM support
- 23 March - updated the checklist
- 19 March - updated the checklist; removed Kenyans information
- 18 March - fixed bug in sign up CGI program; updated some travelers' information
- 17 March - extensive changes to reflect travelers from Nairobi and details about payments
- 11 March - extensive changes to reflect change in travelers and other details
- 5 March - updated pages on pricing and the checklist
- 4 March - updated page on packing
- 24 February - updated pricing and itinerary details
- 23 February - updated hotel in Kyoto
- 21 February - added 'country' to the sign up page, to accomdate Kenyans
- 19 February - filled in more details with itinerary
- 10 February - added link to travel waiver document; improved sign up page
- 7 February - added information about the GOES trusted traveler program (see FAQs)
- 6 February - added two new travelers: Mimi Barker and Gayle Stallings
- 5 February - added note that emergency medical evacuation insurance is included
- 3 February - added page for Colleen Thumm
- 31 January - Added FAQs about insurance, weather, and packing
- 27 January - Added Events page with a couple of upcoming events
- 27 January - Added FAQs page with some Frequently Asked Questions
- 26 January - Fixed some typos and dead links.
- 25 January - Website first available.