Takayama Logo         Welcome to the Denver Takayama Sister City Committee
        2016 pictures page
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2016 Events

Dinner with JFA - October
Tanabata - July
Cherry Blossom Festival - June
City of Takayama park - May
Koto received - April
Setsubun February 2
Shinnenkai January 24

Events of other organizations

Japanese Kite Festival
DSCI World Wide Festival
Colorado Anime Fest
New Year's Day at 285 Landing

Takayama Committee home



Events for Denver Takayama:


Joint dinner with JFA-Colorado at GeoTech, October 26, 2016
JFA Dinner 1 JFA Dinner 1 JFA Dinner 1 JFA Dinner 1 JFA Dinner 1
A dinner for 26 Conversations Conversations Come join us Steve, Aki, Suzue
JFA Dinner 1        
Checking out the sale        


Tanabata at home of Kent and Rolayne Sellers, July 30, 2016
Tanabata - what it's all about Our chef, Suzue Sato Steve, Claire, Barabara, Matheus Cleve helps Suzue serve Part of the garden
Tanabata - what it's all about Our chef, Suzue Sato Steve, Claire, Barabara, Mattheus Cleve helps Suzue serve Part of the garden
The Garden of Serenity Kellye Grayson and Nick Thomas More house and garden Gate to Japanese garden Lou and Linda Mataresse
The Garden of Serenity Kellye Grayson and Nick Thomas More house and garden Gate to Japanese garden Lou and Linda Mataresse
Lou and Linda close up Jim Tait is serene In front of the little people There's no place like gnome A gathering of gnomes
Lou and Linda close up Jim Tait is serene In front of the little people There's no place like gnome A gathering of gnomes
The house at dusk Denise ?? and Tyler Rauert Our hostess Rolayne Sellers Barbara and Matheus Marie Verrett our photographer extraordinare
The house at dusk Denise ?? and Tyler Rauert Our hostess Rolayne Sellers Barbara and Matheus Marie Verrett our photographer extraordinare
Atsushi chills out Gathering Takayama man from the consulate Steve explains it all Shakuhachi start
Atsushi chills out Gathering Takayama man from the consulate Steve explains it all Shakuhachi start
Kevin and Allison are entranced Kitty enjoys the evening Music at the tea house Kherlen writes her wish Kitty passes out papers
Kevin and Allison are entranced Kitty enjoys the evening Music at the tea house Kherlen writes her wish Kitty passes out papers
Allison's wish Claire's wish It was a romantic evening Claire and Kherlen Transition to the larger yard
Allison's wish Claire's wish It was a romantic evening Claire and Kherlen Transition to the larger yard
Robin Post shines Matheus talks about the music Gathered in the dusk The magic begins Enchantment
Robin Post shines Matheus talks about the music Gathered in the dusk The magic begins Enchantment
Magic Mamiko ... ... ... fall under the spell Love is in the air
Magic Mamiko ... ... and Homare ... ... fall under the spell Love is in the air
Happy to be with each other Atsushi and Robin Afterglow Steve and Suzue Gail Jackson and Atsushi
Happy to be with each other Atsushi and Robin Afterglow The chief and the chef Gail Jackson and Atsushi
Celebrants Friends Gail, Atsushi, Steve Matheus and fans Suzue and Mamiko
Celebrants Friends Gail, Atsushi, Steve Matheus and fans Suzue and Mamiko
Sophie Magrath View from the balcony Garden at night Claire's lesson (see first picture) Three roses
Sophie Magrath View from the balcony Garden at night Claire's lesson (see first picture) Three roses
And so it was, a magical night, a mystical night, a romantic night filled with new and long time friends, wonderful food, a perfect setting and music that carried you away. These nights can't be planned - they just happen. Then, inevitably ... Tanabata - the day after
        Wishes tree - the day after


Additional pictures can be found at this Dropbox location.



Cherry Blossom Festival, Sakura Square, June 18-19, 2016
Cherry Blossom festival Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking
Our neighborhood 1 Our neighborhood 2 Our neighborhood 3 Our neighborhood 4 Our home
Cherry Blossom festival Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking
Setting up Stopping by Susan explains it all Susan and Anna Prints are hot
Cherry Blossom festival Unpacking Unpacking Video: Diana Thompson chanting Video: Diana DeGette speaking
Open for business Susan and Marc Opening ceremony Chanting Diana DeGette speaking
Video: sake cask openning Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking
Sake cask openning The audience The audience The audience Two beauties
Cherry Blossom festival Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking
Exquisite pottery A variety of items Susan, Anna, and Marc Taking the stage Taking the stage
Video: The Hokey Pokey Unpacking Video: The Sakura Chorus Unpacking Unpacking
The Hokey Pokey Take a bow The Sakura Chorus Couple from Comic-con Two beauties
Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking
Steve checks it out Telling the story Telling the story Telling the story Gary, Steve, Makoto, and Grace


Work day at City of Takayama Park, May 21
Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking
Working on the center patch Taking a short break Park plaque The work crew in the sun The work crew around the park sign


Gift of koto from Takayama Denver Friendship Association
In July, 2015, at the party we had to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Denver / Takayama relationship, Mr. Kobayashi (President of the Takayama Denver Friendship Association) presented Steve Comstock (chairman of the Denver Takayama Sister City Committee) with a letter of intent to give us a koto as a token of their warm feelings for us. Unfortunately, the koto was being refurbished and could not make it to Denver in time for the official celebration. On April 6, 2016 Mr. Hirakawa (vice-president of TDFA) and Mr. Nakasone of MEM Travel were able to deliver the koto to Steve Comstock. We then took the koto to the home of Junko Shigeta, DTSCC member and founder of Koto Colorado. Junko is providing a 'foster home' for the koto and hopes to be able to play it for various events we have over the years. The following pictures show Junko unpacking and preparing the koto, and we end with a video of her playing a short piece. Unpacking
Background Background Background Background Unpacking the koto
Bridges Bridges Set bridges Bridges Bridges
Need to get bridges Here is box of bridges Setting the bridges Set the last bridge Ready to play



Setsubun at Sonoda's, February 2, 2016
Sonodas Makoto Kawafune Makoto Kawafune the chow The Scofields and the Sellers
Sonoda's - our Setsubun site Makoto Kawafune - our host Makoto Kawafune - and chef Just some of the chow! The Scofields and the Sellers
Family Wise guys Wise gals Wise gals, 2 Gail and Vanessa
Family Wise guys Wise gals Wise gals, 2 Gail and Vanessa
The Kaciks Kitty Suzue and Cleve Buds Kent and Rolayne
Jay and Debbie Kitty Suzue and Cleve Buds Kent and Rolayne
Colleen and Steve Conversation ChowingDown1 ChowingDown2 ChowingDown3
Colleen and Steve Ted, Reggie, and Steve Chowing down, 1 Chowing down, 2 Chowing down, 3
Devilish masks Two babes Double trouble Ferocious Threat
Devilish masks Two babes Double trouble Ferocious Threat
Scary Erie Yikes Look Out Behind You! No one got any pictures of the bean throwing.
Scary Erie Yikes! Look Out Behind You! need pics


Additional pictures can be found at this Dropbox location.


Shinnenkai at home of T.R. Reid, January 24, 2016
setting up drinks on porch TR and Sachiko conversations kitchen
Setting up Drinks on the back porch TR and Sachiko conversations In the kitchen
time to eat Colleen, Tom, Charlene Stone poses - 1 Stone poses - 2 charlene
Time to eat Colleen, Tom, Charlene Stone poses - 1 Stone poses - 2 Charlene
Tom and Sachiko        
Tom and Sachiko        



Events for other organizations

3rd Annual Japanese kite festival, October 1-2, 2016
The first day of this event saw a morning and an afternoon workshop to build kites Sponsors Where to order kites Kite master's kites Kite master's kites
  Sponsors Where to order kites Kite master's kites, 1 Kite master's kites, 2
Kite master's kites Kite master's kites Kite master's kites Kite master's kites Kite master's kites
Kite master's kites, 3 Kite master's kites, 4 Kite master's kites, 5 Kite master's kites, 6 Kite master's kites, 7
Both sessions full Both sessions full A watchful eye Kite master instructs Don't sniff the glue
Both sessions full Both sessions full A watchful eye Kite master instructs Don't sniff the glue
Father and daughter Happy student Love the gloves So far so good! Happy and proud
Father and daughter Happy student Love the gloves So far so good! Happy and proud
See what we've created! Steve works the room She just wants to make a kite Father and son Lookin' good!
See what we've created! Steve works the room She just wants to make a kite Father and son Lookin' good!
Volunteer Carol-Lynne Young artist The kite trio Following instructions Built it on his own
Volunteer Carol-Lynne Young artist The kite trio Following instructions Built it on his own
Having fun The lesson Student designs Student designs Student designs
Having fun The lesson Student designs Student designs Student designs
Student designs Student designs Student designs Student designs Concentration
Student designs Student designs Student designs Student designs Concentration
Artists at work Volunteer Homare Another student design Claudia - queen of the program Best friends
Artists at work Volunteer Homare Another student design Claudia - queen of the program Best friends
The second day of this event was for flying kites, but kits were provided for kids to assemble Enthusiasts Enthusiasts Enthusiasts Enthusiasts
  Enthusiasts Enthusiasts Enthusiasts Enthusiasts
A motley crew Enthusiasts Some assembly required The master puts it all together Enthusiasts
A motley crew Enthusiasts Some assembly required The master puts it all together Roll it up sushi foodtruck rolls in
Robin McCracken showed up Finally flying Roll it up sushi gets busy The famous 100-kites flight Consul General Ito being cool
Robin McCracken showed up Finally flying Roll it up sushi gets busy The famous 100-kites flight Consul General Ito being cool
Consul General Ito being cool Consul General Ito being cool CG Ito flies the kite Grace gets a chance to fly Derek and Makoto hanging out
Consul General Ito being cool Consul General Ito being cool CG Ito flies the kite Grace gets a chance to fly Derek and Makoto hanging out
Glorious banners Tracking the wind Flying Flying Flying
Glorious banners Tracking the wind      
Flying Flying Flying Flying Flying
Flying Flying Flying Flying Flying
Flying Flying Flying Flying Claudine flies
        Claudine flies


Additional pictures for day 1 of the kite festival can be found at this Dropbox location.

Additional pictures for day 2 of the kite festival can be found at this Dropbox location.



DSCI Gala and World Wide Festival, August 27-28, 2016
Saturday evening the 28th was a gala for the consular corps of Colorado ... Consular corps Party crashers Kitty at the bar Kitty at the bar
  The Consular Corps Party crashers Kitty at the bar Makoto and Grace Ito
Two Presidents Thorn between two roses Gayle and Pani Takayama folk Kay and friend
Two Presidents Thorn between two roses Gayle and Pani Takayama folk Kay and friend
Michael Frank Beth Hendrix Marie Verrett   And the next day, we held the DSCI festival at the Tivoli Commons on the Auraria campus ...
Michael Frank Beth Hendrix Marie Verrett and her band    
Opening act Opening act Opening act Opening act World Trade Center
Opening act Opening act Opening act Opening act World Trade Center directions
World Trade Center directions Three cultures(?) Indian dancers Indian dancers Ikebana demo
World Trade Center directions Three cultures(?) Indian dancers Indian dancers Ikebana demonstration
Ikebana demonstration Ethiopian coffee Ethiopian coffee Mongolian food and info French crepes
Ikebana demonstration Ethiopian coffee Ethiopian coffee Mongolian food and info French crepes
Information table DBT Judo dojo table What's-her-name and Bryce The Chennai table African wares
Information table DBT Judo dojo table What's-her-name and Bryce The Chennai table African wares
Michael at the Takayama table A couple of shady characters T.R Reid expounds on the Japanese hip-hop scene Beautiful singer from Kunming T.R Reid and Sachiko Nakahira
Michael at the Takayama table A couple of shady characters T.R Reid expounds on the Japanese hip-hop scene Beautiful singer from Kunming T.R Reid and Sachiko Nakahira
Chinese dancers The game of GO Busy at the Takayama table Mongolian language lesson Around the world in song - Othman Hassan
Chinese dancers The game of GO Busy at the Takayama table Mongolian language lesson Around the world in song - Othman Hassan
Takayama table pottery Takayama table pottery      
Takayama table pottery Takayama table pottery      


Additional pictures from the Gala can be found at this Dropbox location.

Additional pictures from the Festival can be found at this Dropbox location.


Colorado Anime Fest, Feb. 12-14, 2016
First vendor Collection of looks Mariko Green with envy? Cigarrettes? Champagne?
Modest wig Available styles Fierce warriors Green with envy? Cigarrettes? Champagne?
Princess and court Prince and court It's a sign Fair maiden Checking Costumes
Princess and court Prince and court It's a sign Fair maiden Checking Costumes
Let me tell you about Takayama The audience Working the booth Guardian Steve Guardian Chris
Let me tell you about Takayama The audience Working the booth Guardian Steve Guardian Chris
David signs up Gil explains it all Gil's audience Special audience Who are these people?
David signs up Gil explains it all Gil's audience Special audience Who are these people?
An odd bunch Pretty hot ...but watch out!    
An odd bunch Pretty hot ... ...but watch out!    


Additional pictures can be found at this Dropbox location.


New Year's Day at 285 landing January 1, 2016
at DIA Mariko Mariko at DIA at DIA
Sake bowl Square cups Kathy and Charlene Ogi-san preparing The spread
Rockies game chaperones chaperones chaperones chaperones
The spread The spread The spread The spread The spread
chaperones chaperones light rail light rail chaperones
The spread The spread Kevin and Allison My plate My plate
train train Union station
Sake cups have salt on edge Some of the crowd Some of the crowd    







Email us if you would like additional information.
Or call us at: 303-355-2752
We would love to see your comments and recommendations for our site.