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        2017 pictures page
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2017 Committee Events

Alito chorale August 12
Tanabata July 23
Setsubun February 7
Shinnenkai January 28
Monthly meeting - January 24

Events of other organizations

Uta Gassen, January 28

Takayama Committee home



Events for Denver Takayama:


Alito women's chorale from Takayama
On August 12, the chorale gave a concert at First Baptist Church, followed by a reception. 1stBaptistChurch Behind the scenes: before the concert Ken Rehearsal
  First Baptist Church   Ken did the setup Rehearsal
CharleneAndNina JesusTheSushiChef MarikoKotaka LarryPitchesIn Quincy
Charlene and Nina Jesus the sushi chef Mariko Kotaka Larry pitches in Quincy helps people find the room
TicketSales ImpontantPeople AmyBowinski Calvin ThePath
Ticket sales Important supporters Amy Bowinski Calvin Hada Derek Okubo
Act1 Maestro2 Maestro ThePath SingingAway
The concert begins Conductor Makoto Hirata Introducing a song Okada translates Glorious singing
A brief intermission gave the audience a chance for a beverage and the singers time to add some color to their dresses Intermission JoeAndClaudine MarikoAndLawton NinaAndLarry
  Robin Post and Rolayne Sellers Joe and Claudine Locascio Mariko Murase and Lawton Shinsato Nina and Larry Rupp
Soon we settled in for the second act. Act2 Lily Pond ThePath Waterfall
  Concert part 2 Sing out Sing out Sing out
Waterfall Waterfall Waterfall ThePath Waterfall
Sing out Accompany Sing out The bow The entire group
Then we had the reception. HouseFromTheGarden Lily Pond ThePath Waterfall
  The wonderous spread Colorado peaches Rich dessert Burmese food
And more than food: friendship HouseFromTheGarden Lily Pond ThePath Waterfall
  Friendly singers A Takayama connection Hands across the sea A happy event!


All 150 pictures from Marie Verrett are available at Dropbox, here


Tanabata, July 23 at the Seller's
The Castle HouseFromTheGarden Lily Pond ThePath Waterfall
Our hosts' home The house from the garden Beauty everywhere you look Beauty everywhere you look Beauty everywhere you look
The gate Tracks JapaneseGarden FlowingWater MagicalBirds
The gate Tracks? Fossils? Japanese garden Flowing water Magical birds
TeaHouse SusanInTheGarden InTheJapaneseGarden SomenAndToppings SweetsAndFruit
The teahouse Susan Leibsly Tom and Roger Food: somen and toppings Food: sweets and fruit
DinnerIsServed NorikoAndPrincessSera DuelingKoto Junko2 Junko1
Dinner is served Noriko and Princess Sera Emily and Junko enhance the evening Junko plays the gift from Takayama The gift of music
KotoHarmony KotoFingers KotoFingers AbiExplores EmilyHiromJane
Koto harmony Playing hands Playing hands Abi is curious Emily, Hiromi, and Jane
ThreeMuses-2 TheYoungest ThisIsGood AndyAndTheElders Conversations-3
Claire, Robin, and Marie Claire's grandson Toki-chan: This is good! Andy and the elders Conversations
Conversations ColleenAndAudience Jim ThreeMuses GotTheWhiteMemo
Conversations Colleen holds an audience Jim enjoying himself Marie, Robin, and Colleen They got the white memo
GettingToKnowYou HowDoYouDoThis TyingWishToTree Conversations Hirakoba
Getting to know you Colleen ties one on Abi has it down Marie, Robin, and Colleen Conversations


All 92 pictures from Marie Verrett are available at Dropbox, here
Marie has also posted some short videos from the evening on the Takayama FaceBook page



Setsubun, February 7 at Sonoda's
Setting Up Sophie, Marie, and Rob Charlene and Kiyoko Rodger IfYouGotItFlauntIt
Setting Up Sophie, Marie, and Rob Charlene and Kiyoko Rodger Hara If You Got It, Flaunt It
Kitty Linda And Kiyoko Lawton Colleen And Charlene Rose
Kitty Linda And Kiyoko Lawton Colleen And Charlene The real Rose Tanaka(?)
Tamara Mikhayla Sasha TheDevilsYouSay unmasked
Tamara Mikhayla Sasha The Devils You Say? The oni's unmasked!
Why it's only Gunnar and Charlene
Fomenting unrest!       unmasked
Fomenting unrest!       Makoto and Charlene





Shinnenkai, January 28 at home of T.R. Reid
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Organizing the event Organizing the event Food keeps coming Networking Networking
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Networking Networking Diane Gunson Phil Robberson T.R. Reid
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Consul General Ito The Yoda family with Diane Last year's trippers    



First monthly meeting of the year - January 17, 2017
Marie Verrett First meeting, January 17 First meeting, January 17 First meeting, January 17  
Our 2016 Volunteer of the Year
Marie Verrett
First meeting, January 17 First meeting, January 17 First meeting, January 17  





Events for other organizations

Uta Gassen, singing competition at the Budhhist Temple, January 28, 2017
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Marie arrives early Close-up of her dress The judges Score keeper Matusmoto Introducing the team captains
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Captains take the pledge Yoichi Usui belts it out Video clips    


Additional pictures can be found at this Dropbox location (over 1000 pictures!).





Email us if you would like additional information.
Or call us at: 303-355-2752
We would love to see your comments and recommendations for our site.