High School Students to Japan
Related events


This page contains information about events that are possibly of interest to all who are exploring our trip to Japan, as well as a timeline for events leading up to the trip.

To post information about any event you hear of that you think might be of interest, simply send an email to Steve and it will be added to the website.

    Next event:


  • June 5, LEAVE FOR JAPAN!!

    Future events:


  • July 29, Welcome back and trip alumni potluck party at Geotech, 4-7:30 p.m.

    Past events:


  • May 20, third orientation, at Geotech
  • April 15, second orientation, at Geotech
  • March 11, first orientation, at Geotech
  • February 11, Setsubun (welcome spring) dinner and bean throwing (!) at Sonoda's restaurant in Aurora.
  • February 10, applicant interviews at Geotech, 10:00-4:00