Takayama Logo Hosting High School Students From Takayama
Thursday August 1 through Tuesday August 6, 2019


This is the public version of the visit site. It contains no personal identifying information. To access the private version you must be a student, chaperone, or host. If you appply to host, you will be given access to the private site.


Home page

Help make our visitors feel welcome.

... on this small website you can find out about the visiting students and their chaperones

      ... and the actities we have scheduled

           ... and you can sign up to be a host (see the links below the box at left).

If you would like to work on this committee, or to be a driver, or help with the party, send me an email.


How it works

While the folks in Takayama are selecting the students to attend, our committee focuses on recruiting host families and drivers and on setting the itinerary we'll follow while the students are here.

The goal is to introduce the students to life in Denver, Colorado, the West, and America. We want to provide a safe, fun experience for all involved.

We need host families for the students and the chaperones. Since at least one of the host family adults probably works, we also need drivers who are available during the day to drive the students, chaperones, and committee leader(s) to and from their destinations.

Drivers do not need to be available every day during the students visit: we will schedule drivers based on our needs and driver availability.


When the students arrive at DIA they are met by their host family (or some of the host family, or someone who is available) and taken to their host family home.


During the time they are here, on weekdays various committee members lead the group along the scheduled itinerary. On weekend days the host family is responsible for the student, taking them along on whatever family activity is planned.


On the night before the students return to Japan (Monday August 5) there will be a farewell party which is a potluck where the students, their host families, Denver Takayama members and friends, and alumni from past trips are all invited to attend.


On the day of departure (Tuesday August 6), the host families take the students and the chaperones to DIA.


In the box at left are links for you to find out:

  • Names of the students and the chaperones
  • Names of the host families and who they are hosting
  • Names of the drivers who will be taking the students around town and the drivers schedule
  • Itinerary details - where the students will be visiting while they are here


What's new on this website?

We are regularly adding and updating pages on the website. To help you keep up with changes, below is a list of the changes in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top).

  • 20 July - We assigned students to hosts.
  • 15 July - Build the private version of the site, to protect personal information
  • 20 June - This page is updated, and some itinerary information is added
  • 30 May - Chaperones fill in their personal web page information
  • 29 May - Website first available, but not publicized