Takayama Logo Hosting High School Students From Takayama
August 1 - 6, 2019


This page contains the list of all the people who are scheduled to drive the students around while they are visiting us this August.

Note that we require a background check be run on each person 18 or older who will be driving the students. You can download the form in pdf format here or in Word format here. Please print one form for each driver and fill them out. You may mail completed forms to Denver Sister Cities office:

        2650 E. 40th Ave.
        Denver, CO 80205

or bring them to a meeting. If you have questions call the office at 303-832-1336 or Steve Comstock at 303-355-2752.

We pay the cost of the background check, and it remains valid for a year. If you already have a current background check (for example, local school systems do these checks on their staff), let us know that.

We also require a copy of your driver's license and proof-of-insurance card.


The students this time are here for a very short period, and their host families are responsible for transportation over the weekend. That leaves us with just two days to cover. Some drivers will drive on Friday August 2 and some on Monday August 5 (some on both).

Directions for drivers can be accessed here for Friday (the city day) and here for Monday (the country day).

Note: if you want to send an email to all the drivers, there is a link at the bottom of this page set up for you to do this.


Our Drivers
Driver Name (day[s]) Email address Cell phone # passengers Background
License and
proof of ins.
 Donna Altieri (M)   donnaranch@comcast.net   720-234-6294  3   ✔  ✔
 Adrienne Bivens (FM)   yorocky7@hotmail.com   720-467-6430  2   ✔  
 Kitty Comstock (F)   kittycomstock@gmail.com   303-619-3039  2   ✔  ✔
 Steve Comstock (FM)   steve@trainersfriend.com   303-619-3039  2   ✔  ✔
 Ann Fazzini (F)   annfazzini@comcast.net   303-618-7639  3   ✔  
 Gail Jackson (M)   heianlady@msn.com   303-877-2114  3   ✔  
 Julie Jafek (M)     720-313-4500  3   ✔  
 Kevin Lance (F)   kevinlance@live.com   1-719-650-3905  7   ✔  
 John Newton (M)   jrrnewton@gmail.com   720-292-0907  3   ✔  ✔


Click this link to send an email to all the drivers..