Expressions related to travel



Here are some words and expressions you'll find helpful in getting around.
  • densha - (electric) train (also 'tram' or 'streetcar')
  • kisha - (steam) train
  • ressha - ordinary train
  • shinkansen - bullet train (literally 'new trunk line')

  • eki - train station
  • kippu - ticket
  • hoomu - platform
  • bansen - track number
  • go sha - car number
  • zaseki bango - seat number

  • chikatetsu - subway

  • takushi - taxi
  • takushi noriba - taxi stand

  • bassu - bus
  • bassu no noriba - bus stop
  • teiryuu-jo - bus stop

  • hikoo-ki - airplane
  • kuukoo - airport

  • place wa, doko desu ka - where is place?
    • For example:
    • Tookyoo eki wa, doko desu ka - where is the main Tokyo train station?
    • hoomu no shinkansen ni hiroshima wa, doko desu ka - where is the platform for the shinkansen to Hiroshima?
    • sumimasen, takushi noriba wa, doko desu ka - Excuse me, where can I find a taxi stand?


  • ikimasu - go
  • ni - 'to' in the sense of 'towards'
    • For example:
    • kono ressha wa Tookyoo eki ni ikimasu ka - Does this train go to Tokyo eki?