High School Students Visit From Denver
Host family information


First of all, thank you for agreeing to host one of our high school students. This opportunity means a lot to the students and to the Denver / Takayama relationship.

Please tell us a little bit about your family so that the student who will be your guest can get to know you a little bit.

After you click 'Submit', a program will take your information, build a web page using that information, and display the page for you to see. It will take a little time so please be patient.

At the same time, the webmaster will be sent an email telling him to contact you, to make sure the page displays correctly and to see if you want to change anything.

If you have any difficulties, please contact me, Steve Comstock, at steve@trainersfriend.com and I will work to fix the problem.


 General information 

Your family name:         
Full name of main contact:
Email address:            
Phone number:                
LINE id (optional):          

  Street Address: 

  You can select one to three family pictures to share on your web
  page. If you don't have any right now, you can email them to Steve
  anytime and he will add them to your page.:    

  File name of picture:    
      Caption for picture (who is in the picture?):

  File name of picture:    
      Caption for picture (who is in the picture?):

  File name of picture:    
      Caption for picture (who is in the picture?):


 Household members (including primary contact) ...  

Full name .............     Age   M/F  family role



 Share something about your family - jobs / work, any special interests (clubs, sports, hobbies, music, etc.)?  

About our family ...


 Hosting preference   We can only host a boy
We can only host a girl
We can host a boy or a girl


Note: once you press 'Submit', you will not be able to modify your data: only the webmaster can do that. However, you can contact the webmaster to request changes (or removal of your record so that you can submit again).