High School Students to Japan
Frequently Asked Questions

Packing and Laundry Strategies


This page discusses how to plan your wardrobe taking into account some strategies for cleaning. See also the Frequently Asked Questions on packing.

There are several alternatives to consider:
  • Pack 10 complete outfits - not recommended
  • Pack outfits so mix-and-match gives you a fresh feel each day - recommended
  • Plan on washing / drying clothes in your room
  • Use hotel services
  • Use local laundry / cleaning services
  • Wear the same clothes for 10 days without cleaning - please, no!
Below is a description of our trip in terms relating to laundry strategies:
  • Thu June 15 - travel day: one outfit for the 13th and the 14th, no chance to change!
  • Fri June 16 - travel day: one outfit for the 13th and the 14th, no chance to change!
  • Sat June 17 - Bus to Tokyo; outfit 2
  • Sun June 18 - Tokyo; outfit 3
  • Mon June 19 - Trains to Takayama; outfit 4
  • Tue June 20 - Takayama; outfit 5
  • Wed June 21 - Takayama; outfit 6
  • Thu June 22 - Trains to Kyoto; outfit 7
  • Fri June 23 - Kyoto; repeat some previous outfit
  • Sat June 24 - Kyoto; repeat some previous outfit
  • Sun June 25 - return home; long day; one outfit


So keep these points in mind and decide on the best strategy for your needs. Hope this helps.