Host Family:

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Family portrait


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Hinata and Noa



Household information

Main contact: Yaeko Yamashita
phone: 09076001920
LINE id: N/A

Street Address:

  702 Nakayama-cho
  Takayama City
  Gifu Prefecture
  Japan 506-0051



Household members
Family role
 Yaeko  47 F  Mother 
 Tomoki  47 M  Father 
 Hinata  17 F  Older daughter 
 Noa  15 F  Younger daughter 


Information shared about the household ...

Father is a dentist and mother works in his clinic as an administrative staff.

Hinata is a senior in high school and working hard to prepare for her entrance exams for college.

Noa is a sophomore in the same high school and enjoys her role as a manager of the school basketball team. She also likes tea ceremony as a hobby.

The girls both love K Pop music and had a blast at the recent T X T concert.

We all love animals and we have a family pet dog, Shiba Inu, called “John”. John loves to play tug of war with his toys and when he’s bored, he is always looking for a play mate.

We love traveling and often go on family trips. The most recent trip was to visit north east Japan and we visited “Zao fox village” where you can cuddle fox puppies.

We are looking forward to hosting a student from Denver, CO.