High School Students to Japan
2023 Explorations
Frequently Asked Questions


How do I figure the time in Japan?


Japan is all in a single time zone, which is 15 hours ahead of Denver, in the Summer, during Daylight Savings Time (MDST), and 16 hours ahead during Standard Time (MST). In 2020, DST in the US will run from 8 March through 1 November, so we will be on DST during our trip.

Japan does not use Daylight Savings Time.

Here is a handy quick reference for time mappings (red times are "next day"):


----- Denver ----- Japan
Daylight Savings Standard Time Local time
midnight 11 p.m. 03 p.m.
01 a.m. midnight 04 p.m.
02 a.m. 01 a.m. 05 p.m.
03 a.m. 02 a.m. 06 p.m.
04 a.m. 03 a.m. 07 p.m.
05 a.m. 04 a.m. 08 p.m.
06 a.m. 05 a.m. 09 p.m.
07 a.m. 06 a.m. 10 p.m.
08 a.m. 07 a.m. 11 p.m.
09 a.m. 08 a.m. midnight
10 a.m. 09 a.m. 01 a.m.
11 a.m. 10 a.m. 02 a.m.
noon 11 a.m. 03 a.m.
01 p.m. noon 04 a.m.
02 p.m. 01 p.m. 05 a.m.
03 p.m. 02 p.m. 06 a.m.
04 p.m. 03 p.m. 07 a.m.
05 p.m. 04 p.m. 08 a.m.
06 p.m. 05 p.m. 09 a.m.
07 p.m. 06 p.m. 10 a.m.
08 p.m. 07 p.m. 11 a.m.
09 p.m. 08 p.m. noon
10 p.m. 09 p.m. 01 p.m.
11 p.m. 10 p.m. 02 p.m.


You might find this page of current time in many cities useful or interesting.