z/OS Study Center
Updated and available Courses
and supplemental papers

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NEW: I've had a number of requests for more detail about my courses, so I've increased the samples from just-the-outline to include from the cover foil through the first section (which most often ends with a lab / machine exercise). I didn't do this for all courses, just most. For those courses with this option, you can see up to 58 pages from the course materials, in order to get a clearer picture of content and style.


Below are all the courses we have available, and are developing materials for, your z/OS application programmer training

(And here is a link to my site of online courses for creating web pages using Notepad in Windows: Still Plugging Away)


z/OS course materials
Course title Description / Prerequisite
  General / Introduction Courses
Introduction to Application Programming (z/OS)

Intended audience: People with aptitude but no background in computers; these could be new hires or employees looking to move into your data processing staff

The narrative: We introduce and define terms and concepts related to application programming on any system, and have the students create a rough design for a report application by having the instructor role-play as a warehouse manager: describe the data, sketch out the report layout, describe how input leads to output; then discuss program design, and testing concepts

Click to see the first section.

3 discussion / paper labs

2 days; 180 pages, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: Just an apptitude for programming

Status: Updated and available
Introduction to z/OS

Intended audience: Developers new to IBM mainframes (or familiar with IBM mainframes but not familiar with z/OS). These could be people with technical backgrounds in other computing platforms

The narrative: Overview of z/Architecture, terms and vocabulary, support for Unicode, DB2, CICS, IMS, Language Environment and supported languages, the z/OS UNIX System Services story, communications possibilities

Click to see the first section.

1 day; 198 pages, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequsite: familiarity with any non-z/OS system

Status: Updated and available
  TSO, CLIST, REXX, ISPF / Dialog Manager
Intended audience: Programmers learning how to get work done in z/OS; new system support staff might also benefit.

The narrative: For most z/OS shops, ISPF is the primary tool for coding, compiling / assembling, binding / linking, and testing. This course provides a thorough introduction for the novice in how to navigate around and use this tool effectively. From logging on and understanding panel layouts and action bars, setting function key values, to techniques for creating, editing, deleting, renaming data sets, running batch jobs and viewing output, the student gains a huge amount of skills in a very short time.

Click to see the first section.

17 machine exercises

3 days; 440 pages, 2-page summary sheet, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: None, although it helps to have some background such as found in "Introduction to Application Programming (z/OS)"

Status: Updated and available
ISPF Update and Refresh
Intended audience: Programmers / developers who use ISPF and could benefit from its richer capabilities

The narrative: The experienced ISPF user has deeper needs, centered around application development (searching for strings in large lists of datasets, comparing different levels of code or data). And with the growing use of exchanging files between z/OS and other platforms, it's helpful to learn ISPF techniques for handling ASCII and Unicode data. Finally we cover how to create basic edit macros so the student can begin to build edit tools helpful for them and their team.

Click to see the first section.

10 hands on machine exercises

2 days; 198 pages, index;

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
TSO CLIST Programming in z/OS
Intended audience: Programmers who need to maintain or create CLIST scripts

The narrative: The TSO environment, and basic commands, CLIST (command list) fundamentals: command procedure statement, symbolic variables, EXEC TSO command, symbolic susbstitution, control variables, built-in functions, conditional logic, SELECT statement, running CLISTs from DSLIST, attention routines, working with files, printing and copying, PDSE and VSAM support, LISTDSI, error handling, PROC statement and parameters, global variables, trapping command output, running programs in foreground (TSO 'CALL'), submitting jobs to the background (batch), the TSO EDIT command, TRANSMIT and RECEIVE

Click to see the first section.

13 standard and two optional hands-on machine exercises.

3 days; 322 pages, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
TSO REXX Programming in z/OS
Intended audience: Programmers who need to maintain or create REXX scripts

The narrative: The TSO environment, and basic commands, REXX fundamentals: tokens, strings, operators; TSO EXEC command, REXX operators, built-in functions, numerics, the stack, parsing, logic structures, running EXECs from DSLIST, interrupting an EXEC, debugging, working with files, printing and copying, PDSE and VSAM support, LISTDSI, record I/O, buffers and stacks, compound symbols, subroutines, user-written functions, string manipulation, trapping output from a command, running programs in foreground (TSO 'CALL'), running programs and EXECs in the background (batch), REXX and Dialog Manager, TRANSMIT and RECEIVE, optional: the REXX compiler

Click to see the first section.

14 hands on machine exercises.

5 days; 514 pages, summary of REXX commands and TSO commands covered, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
Introduction to TSO and REXX APIs
Intended audience: Programmers who need to create or maintain REXX scripts that interface with compiled programs.

The narrative: Basic program interfaces, accessing external files, interacting with the operator at the console, running jobs in batch, running programs in the foreground, allocating data sets, TSO CALL, terminal I/O, TSO WHEN, freeing datasets, TSO service facility, addressing modes, residency modes, invoking IKJEFTSR from Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, and C, TSO REXX interfaces, REXX CALL vs TSO CALL, calling IKJCT441 from Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, and C, accessing DB2 databases, DSN RUN, DSNREXX, Dialog Manager, REXX dynamic program linkages, running EXECs in batch, accessing REXX variables from compiled programs, calling IRXEXCOM from Assembler, COBOL, PL/I and C

Click to see the first section.

9 hands on machine exercises.

2 days; 196 pages, summary of REXX commands and TSO commands covered, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: "TSO REXX Programming in z/OS", or equivalent experience.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Developing Dialog Manager Applications in z/OS
Intended audience: Programmers who need to create or maintain ISPF dialogs that interface with CLISTs, REXX execs, or compiled programs.

The narrative: This fun class assumes prior knowledge of REXX or CLIST and then moves on to provide a thorough introduction to developing, coding, testing, and maintaining applications to be run under the ISPF environment. Panel definition language, ISPF variables and variable services, ISPF service functions (LIBDEF, DISPLAY, LMxxxx, etc.), ISPF messages and message services, pop up windows, scrollable fields, menus, debugging, Edit, View, and Browse, ISPF tables, File tailoring, introduction to Dialog Tag Language, ISPPDTLC service. 14 standard and one optional machine exercises

Click to see the first section.

5 days; 682 pages, appendices, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS" and either "TSO REXX programming in z/OS" or "TSO CLIST Programming in z/OS" or equivalent experience.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
  JCL and Utilities
z/OS JCL and Utilities
Intended audience: Programmers / developers who need to submit jobs to the batch

The narrative: Operating System concepts, the road to z/OS, job management and workflow, how JCL describes resources, JCL syntax, submitting a job, examining job output, basic utilities, introduction to SORT, memory management, condition codes, JCL procedures, nested procedures, information sources

Click to see the first section.

13 hands on machine exercises.

3 days; 338 pages, JCL summary sheet, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
ISPF and JCL on z/OS
Intended audience: Programmers learning how to get work done in z/OS; new system support staff might also benefit.

The narrative: This is a mashup of "TSO/ISPF in z/OS" and "z/OS JCL and Utilities", enabling an ISPF / JCL package to fit into a five day work week. This is done by eliminating redundant passages and dropping a few topics. The omitted topics are: reference lists; the Workplace shell; ISPF VSAM support; DELETE and LISTC TSO commands

Click to see the first section.

27 hands on machine exercises

5 days; 672 pages, ISPF summary sheet, JCL summary sheet, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: None, although it helps to have some background such as found in "Introduction to Application Programming (z/OS)"

Status: Updated and available
Intended audience: Programmers / support staff who need to use IBM's DFSORT product

The narrative: Basic DFSORT; using SORT to do a copy; symbolic names and literals; converting values; working with date and time formats; DFSORT and HTML; z/OS UNIX files; ASCII files; VSAM support; ICEGENER; sort control statements (INCLUDE, OMIT, INREC, SORT, OUTREC), operands (PARSE, BUILD, OVERLAY, FINDREP, OUTFIL, ALTSEQ, RECORD, MERGE, OPTION, JOINKEYS), ICETOOL (COPY, COUNT, DEFAULTS, MERGE, MODE, RANGE, SORT, STATS, UNIQUE, VERIFY, DISPLAY, OCCUR, RESIZE, DATASORT, SUBSET, SELECT, SPLICE)

20 hands on machine exercises

Click to see the first section.

4 days; 562 pages, appendices, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "z/OS JCL and Utilities", or equivalent experience.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
  Assembler Language
z/OS Assembler Programming, Part 1: Beginnings
Intended audience: Programmers beginning their journey into Assembler language

The narrative: Programming concepts for mainframe, instruction formats, basic program structure, describing data, defining constants and storage areas, file accessing techniques, compares, branches, linkages, record processing, packed decimal, redefining storage, data structures, introduction to debugging, editing packed decimal data, immediate instructions, binary integer data, logical arithmetic, literals, loop control, table processing, multiple base registers, DSECTs, bit manipulation, shift instructions, string manipulation

Click to see the first section.

14 hands on machine exercises.

5 days; 402 pages, instruction summary, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS" and "z/OS JCL and Utilities", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
z/OS Assembler Programming, Part 2: Interfaces
Intended audience: Programmers continuing their journey into Assembler language

The narrative: Standard program linkage conventions, file handling, subroutines and the program binder, CALL, program maintenance, debugging, useful system services, variable length records, QSAM locate mode, dynamic program linkages, dynamic storage management, reentrant programs, AMODE 31 issues

Click to see the first section.

9 hands-on machine exercises

3 days; 296 pages, appendices, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "z/OS Assembler Programming, Part 1".

Status: Updated and available
z/OS Assembler Programming, Part 3: z/Architecture Update
Intended audience: Programmers needing to understand and use the new hardware and software services to support 64-bit addressing

The narrative: The focus is on the changes introduced with z/Architecture machines and later z/OS Assembler language features, macro changes; 64-bit arithmetic; AMODE 64 considerations; workng with ASCII and Unicode data; additional hardware instructions (over 500 instructions are covered); structure of the 64-bit address space; linkage conventions and save areas

Click to see the first section.

13 hands on machine exercises.

4 days; 560 pages including 45 page index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "z/OS Assembler Programming, Part 2" or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
Structured COBOL Workshop for Enterprise COBOL
Intended audience: Programmers beginning their journey into COBOL

The narrative: Foundation: hardware, software, instructions, programs, compiling and binding, COBOL Basics: character set, words, punctuation; program structure; figurative constants, editing data (edit pictures), describing data, processing data (files), move mode vs locate mode, perform, general program structure and design: pseudocode; conditional statements, numeric data (packed decimal and binary), arithmetic instructions, the evaluate statement, string manipulation, intrinsic functions, working with print files, control breaks, match-merge, miscellaneous

Click to see the first section.

17 hands-on machine exercises

5 days; 524 pages, appendix, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
Advanced Topics in COBOL
Intended audience: Beginning COBOL programmers who need to expand their skills in this language.

The narrative: Subroutines, static vs. dynamic linkages; special registers, null terminated strings, local-storage, recursive programs, pointers (procedure-pointers, function-pointers, Addres Of special register, dynamic file allocation, tables (with subscripts and indexes), variable length records, string handling, and, optionally, the COBOL SORT and MERGE verbs.

Click to see the first section.

12 hands-on machine exercises

3 days; 316 pages, appendix, index; last updated: 2024

Prerequisite: "Structured COBOL Workshop for Enterprise COBOL", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
Enterprise COBOL Debugging and Maintenance
Intended audience: COBOL programmers who need to solve program errors

The narrative: Language Environment (LE): LE completion codes, LE messages, LE condition handling, LE run-time parameters, LE debugging services - CEE3DMP, CEE3ABD, CEETEST; debugging strategy; system completion codes; anatomy of a COBOL compile listing; the school of footprints and breadcrumbs; dump reading: SYSUDUMP and CEEDUMP; relevant compiler options; subroutine linkage options; the program binder; COBOL declaratives (I/O and DEBUGGING);

Click to see the first section.

4 hands-on machine exercises

2 days; 314 pages, appendices, index; 2 days; last updated: 2025

Prerequisite: "Advanced Topics in COBOL (Enterprise COBOL, z/OS)", or equivalent experience.

Status: Updated and available
Enterprise COBOL Update
Intended audience: Experienced COBOL programmers who have not had a chance to get caught up with the latest IBM COBOL compilers

The narrative: Mixed case code; un-named filler; packed-decimal and binary data types; table extensions; pointers and addresses; nested programs; CALL enhancements; scope terminators; in-line PERFORM; SET ... TO TRUE; CONTINUE; INITIALIZE; EVALUATE; new compiler options; intrinsic functions (); Language Environment (LE); apostrophes and quotes, null-terminated non-numeric literals; local-storage; recursive programs; passing arguments BY VALUE; introduction of object-oriented COBOL; DLL support; comp-5 usage; 31 digit numbers; line sequential files; dynamic file allocation; z/OS UNIX support; multithreading support; underscore in user-defined names; XML PARSE.

6 hands on machine exercises

Click to see detailed outline.

2 days; 404 pages, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: Experience writing COBOL programs.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Enterprise COBOL Unicode and XML Support
Intended audience: Experienced COBOL programmers who have a need to process XML data from a COBOL program.

The narrative: features included in COBOL for working with Unicode data; XML PARSE and XML GENERATE (using both XMLPARSE(COMPAT) and XMLPARSE(XMLSS) options)

Click to see the first section.

10 hands on machine exercises

2 days; 228 pages, appendix, index; 2 days; last updated: 2013

Prerequisite: "Enterprise COBOL Update", or equivalent experience.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
VSAM With Access Method Services
Intended audience: Application programmers, in any language, who need to understand the structures of VSAM files and how to use the IDCAMS utility.

The narrative: VSAM organizations (ESDS, KSDS, RRDS, LSDS, AIX); estimating space requirements for VSAM data sets; IDCAMS JCL requirements and commands (DEFINE CLUSTER, REPRO, PRINT, DELETE, EXPORT, IMPORT, VERIFY, ALTER, EXAMINE); reusable data sets; performance tuning hints; extended format KSDS; record level sharing; recoverable spheres

Click to see detailed outline.

5 hands on machine exercises

2 days; 196 pages, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", or equivalent experience.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
VSAM for COBOL Programmers
Intended audience: COBOL application programmers who need to understand VSAM files and how to process them using COBOL.

The narrative: VSAM organizations (ESDS, KSDS, RRDS, LSDS, AIX); IDCAMS JCL requirements and commands (DEFINE CLUSTER, REPRO, PRINT, DELETE); defining VSAM data sets in a COBOL program; OPEN and CLOSE; file position indicator; file status data items; loading or extending data into an ESDS VSAM data set; retrieving ESDS records sequentially; update in place (REWRITE); loading or extending KSDS data sets; processing a KSDS sequentially; the START verb; random file processing; dynamic processing; DELETE a record; alternate indexes; loading or extending RRDS data sets; sequential and random processing of RRDS;

Click to see detailed outline.

5 standard and one optional hands on machine exercises

2 days; 260 pages, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: Experience writing COBOL programs.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
VSAM for PL/I Programmers
Intended audience: PL/I application programmers who need to understand VSAM files and how to process them using PL/I.

The narrative: VSAM organizations (ESDS, KSDS, RRDS, LSDS, AIX); IDCAMS JCL requirements and commands (DEFINE CLUSTER, REPRO, PRINT, DELETE); defining VSAM data sets in a PL/I program (DECLARE); OPEN and CLOSE; file position indicator; file status data items; loading or extending data into an ESDS VSAM data set; retrieving ESDS records sequentially; update in place (REWRITE); loading or extending KSDS data sets; processing a KSDS sequentially; LOCATE mode processing; random file processing; dynamic processing; DELETE a record; alternate indexes; loading or extending RRDS data sets; sequential and random processing of RRDS;

Click to see detailed outline.

4 standard and one optional hands on machine exercises

2 days; 260 pages, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: Experience writing PL/I programs.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
  Language Environment, InterLanguage Communication, DLLs
Using LE Services in z/OS
Intended audience: Experienced programmers (Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C) who need to use Language Environment (LE) callable services

The narrative: LE concepts and terms; tokens, return codes; messaging services and inserts; debugging services, storage management services; condition handling; interlanguage communication; Assembler considerations; date and time services; international support; nested enclaves; C/C++ and XPLINK; building loadable text file messages using CEEBLDTX REXX exec; symbolic feedback codes; callable services

Assembler macros available; LE run-time parameters

Click to see the first section.

8 hands on machine exercises

3 days; 620 pages, appendices, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS" and experience with one of these programming languages: Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Cross Program Communication in z/OS
Intended audience: Experienced programmers (Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C) who need to write programs that invoke, or are invoked by, programs written in different programming languages

The narrative: static and dynamic calls to programs in the same or different programming languages (we cover Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, and C); how to define variables, structures, and tables; how to pass items (by reference, by content, by value); passing and receiving a variable number of parameters; the structure of object code; the workings of the program binder; creating and using multiple entry points; ways to share data;

Click to see the first section.

9 hands on machine exercises

3 days; 490 pages, appendices, index; last updated: 2013

Prerequisite: "Using LE Services in z/OS" and experience with one of these programming languages: Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Creating and Using DLLs in z/OS
Intended audience: Programmers who need to use the facilities of DLLs

The narrative: concepts and vocabulary of DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries); exporting entry points and external data; function descriptors and variable descriptors; auto-load; trigger-load-on-reference; trigger-load-on-call; binder requirements; writing DLLs in Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C; invoking DLLs from programs written in Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C; PL/I packages; alternate entry points; alternatives to DLLs; DLL services (dlopen, dlsym, dlclose, dlerror)

Click to see the first section.

2 hands on machine exercises

1 day; 150 pages, index; last updated: 2013

Prerequisite: "Cross Program Communication in z/OS" and experience with one of these programming languages: Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
  z/OS UNIX System Services and the World Wide Web
Introduction to z/OS UNIX
Intended audience: z/OS programmers who need to learn how to use z/OS UNIX System Services

The narrative: Introduction to z/OS UNIX; the UNIX shell; the shell interface under OMVS; effective UID, group ID; shell command syntax; markup languages; an introduction to HTML; web servers on z/OS; submitting jobs from the shell; DSLIST (ISPF 3.17); shell commands (id, logname, cal, date, echo, man, who, whoami, fc, history, r, alias, hash, unalias, export, env, readonly, printenv, pwd, cd, basename, dirname, umask, mkdir, rmdir, ls, mkcatdefsm gencat, runcat, dspcat, dspmsg, localedef, locale, iconv, tr, cp, copytree, mv, tso, compress, uncompress, zcat, pax, tar, submit, telnet, rlogin, stty, tabs, unexpand, expand); TSO commands (MKDIR, OPUT, OPUTX, OGET, OGETX, OEDIT, OBROWSE, ISHELL)
18 hands on machine exercises

Click to see the first section.

3 days; 512 pages, appendices including command summary, index; last updated: 2013

Prerequisite: "TSO/ISPF in z/OS" or equivalent experience.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Shell Script Programming in z/OS UNIX
Intended audience: z/OS programmers who need to learn how to create and use shell scripts under z/OS UNIX.

The narrative: regular expressions; the 'ed', 'oedit', and 'sed' editors; work with directories, files, and shell variables; communicating with the user at the terminal; the BPXBATCH facility; information about 'vi', 'ex', 'emacs', 'gmacs'; OSHELL command; the magic number; shell commands (tty, sleep, ps, uname, grep, egrep, fgrep, ed, find, read, clear, getconf, if, test, pathchk, until, while, break, continue, let, typeset, integer, expr, for, select, case, getopts, print, autoload, set, unset, sh, exec, whence, type, eval, xargs, file, shift, sed, tsort, sort, [[ ]], diff, patch, dircmp, cmp, cksum, comm, uniq, wc, od, split, csplit)

Click to see the first section.

19 hands on machine exercises

3 days; 580 pages, appendices including command summary, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: "Introduction to z/OS UNIX" or equivalent experience.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Developing Applications for z/OS UNIX
Intended audience: z/OS programmers who need to create application programs to run under z/OS UNIX.

The narrative: Coding UNIX apps in C or COBOL or PL/I or Assembler; creating programs that can: interact with the user at a terminal, handle files (classic MVS files or z/OS files), and dynamically call subroutines; such programs can be run from the shell or, in some cases, in batch; Assembling / compiling, and binding using z/OS UNIX commands instead of JCL; BPX1LOD; makefiles; shell commands (printf, scanf, fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose, ar, c89, as, cob2, pli, ld, make)

Click to see the first section.

16 hands on machine exercises

3 days; 492 pages, appendices including command summary, index; last updated: 2012

Prerequisite: "Introduction to z/OS UNIX" or equivalent experience, plus experience with one of these programming languages: Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Introduction to CGIs in z/OS
Intended audience: z/OS programmers who need to create CGI programs to support a website hosted on z/OS UNIX.

The narrative: Define what a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) program is; initial context; basic web concepts review; HTML subset; events and event handlers; introduction to JavaScript; forms and INPUT controls; submit processing; GET processing; PUT processing; emitting Unicode data to the user; error handling, testing, debugging; DB2 access; RRSAF; submitting batch jobs; nph ("no process headers") processing; cookies; the design of web based dialogs;

Click to see detailed outline.

there are no labs but there are short sample CGI programs in C, COBOL, Assembler, PL/I, REXX, and shell script;

This course is expected to be followed by one of our language-specific CGI courses.

1 day 208 pages; appendix, index; last updated: 2013)

Prerequisite: "You and z/OS and the World Wide Web" or equivalent experience.

Special note: The prerequisite course has been removed, so to attend this course, the student is expected to already have some familiarity with the web on z/OS; or, for a separate price I can re-create the prerequisite course; or have the student enroll in the web coding course(s) at https://www.stillpluggingaway.com/

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Writing z/OS CGIs in COBOL
Intended audience: z/OS COBOL programmers who need to create CGI programs to support a website hosted on z/OS UNIX.

The narrative: Coding, compiling, debugging, deploying, and maintaining CGIs written for the z/OS environment in COBOL; handling GET and POST requests; respond with dynamically created HTML pages; access environment variables; access DB2 data (optional); access VSAM KSDS data by primary key or alternate index; UNICODE output; submitting jobs to the batch.

Click to see the first section.

9 standard and 1 optional hands on machine exercises

2 days; 262 pages, appendix, index; last updated: 2013)

Prerequisite: "Introduction to CGIs in z/OS" or equivalent experience plus experience writing COBOL programs.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
Writing z/OS CGIs in Assembler
Intended audience: z/OS Assembler programmers who need to create CGI programs to support a website hosted on z/OS UNIX.

The narrative: Coding, compiling, debugging, deploying, and maintaining CGIs written for the z/OS environment in Assembler; handling GET and POST requests; respond with dynamically created HTML pages; access environment variables; access DB2 data (optional); access VSAM KSDS data by primary key or alternate index; UNICODE output; submitting jobs to the batch.

Click to see the first section.

9 standard and 1 optional hands on machine exercises

2 days; 264 pages, appendix, index; last updated: 2013)

Prerequisite: "Introduction to CGIs in z/OS" or equivalent experience plus experience writing Assembler programs.

Status: Accept as is, or request update be developed
  Technical Papers
  General z/OS thoughts
The Future of Mainframes is Now A brief summary of the evolution of Z/OS and z/Architecture, Language Environment as a common runtime for multiple languages and applications, and the availability of z/OS UNIX.

27 pages; USD 5.00
z/OS, Language Environment, and UNIX: How They Work Together A description of how all these components complement each other. Complements / expands a great deal on the "Future of Mainframes" paper above. Very rich.

157 pages; USD 10.00
Creating Modern Business Computer Applications on z/OS A survey of the skills an IT group will likely need as they move into the z/OS world running z/OS UNIX and maybe hosting a website on their mainframe

24 pages; USD 5.00
  z/OS Assembler Language
Doing Packed Decimal Arithmetic in Assembler A step by step description of using the packed decimal instruction set

100 pages; USD 12.00
Writing Reentrant Programs Definition of reentrant programs, techniques to use for creating reentrant programs, a sample program

26 pages; USD 6.50
Applications Assembler Programming for z: a discourse Discussion of changes brought about by system z hardware and z/OS for existing Assembler programs. A look at 64-bit registers, baseless programming, relative branching, the long displacement facility, the extended immediate facility

47 pages; USD 12.00
I/O and AMODE 31 Discussion of concerns to focus on when moving existing Assembler programs to work above the line

7 pages; USD 3.00
z/OS Control Blocks for Beginners Exploration of how z/OS uses control blocks to manage work. Addresses, pointers, chains, anchors, ASID, ASCB, RCT, TCB, PRB, SVRB, initiators, STC, dump task, XTLST, CDE, data areas, CVT, PSA, DDLIST command, SYSUDUMP.

Note that the links on page 48 are no longer working; instead use http://gsf-soft.com/zOS-links.html for the first and http://www.longpelaexpertise.com.au/ for the second.

52 pages; USD 10.00
Enterprise COBOL - A Tool for Growth Covers changes from older COBOL language spec to later, to provide insights into the conversion process

77 pages; USD 12.00
Enterprise COBOL Version 5.1 Differences Upgrading from COBOL 4 to COBOL 5 presents some challenges as well as some opportunites

7 pages; USD 4.00
  The Web on z/OS
Porting Apache 2.2.9 to z/OS 1.9 Step by step walk through. Even though both Apache and z/OS have later releases, the steps are similar to install later versions of Apach on later releases of z/OS

34 pages; USD 6.00
Setting up the IBM HTTP Server: A near-cookbook to get you going Similar to the Apache install above; you might want to read both papers and decide which server would work best for you

40 pages; USD 6.00
Hosting a web site on z/OS Describes lessons learned while getting a web site up and running under z/OS

17 pages; USD 4.00
An Introduction to Unicode Introduces the basics of Unicode and then focuses on how z/Architecutre and z/OS support Unicode

52 pages; USD 5.00
The Arc of DB2 (Using DB2 to work the World Wide Web) How current DB2 supports web features: BLOBs, CLOBs, and DBCLOBs; COBOL access to LOBs; DB2 support of Unicode; XML

100 pages; USD 15.00
Using DB2 LOBs While this paper overlaps the above paper a bit, it's main strength is it includes complete example of accessing a DB2 LOB using COBOL: an html form, a css style sheet, and a COBOL CGI program

50 pages; USD 8.00
Coding AJAX Applications (Using HTML, JavaScript and COBOL on z/OS) Here we describe the reason for using AJAX applications, and how to code them; describes six experiments including html pages, some COBOL, even a little php

80 pages; USD 15.00



On a different tack, here is my site of online courses for creating web pages using Notepad in Windows: Still Plugging Away

Note that if you have the IBM or Apache servers installed on your mainframe, you can use ISPF to code web pages following those courses.


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