Denver to Japan - Travelers
Anne Mahoney
Contact information
Home Phone: 303-504-4299
Work Phone: 303-504-4299
Cell Phone: 720-937-3977
Street Address:
2055 S. Madison St.
Denver, CO 80210
Trip-related background
- Previous visits to Japan:
- none
- Japanese language ability:
- Conversation: none
- Reading and writing: none
What I hope to get from this adventure:
Experience and learn about people and a culture I am unfamiliar with, get off the beaten track sometimes, away from the mass tourist hordes, explore with interesting companions who are flexible and can go with the flow, eat lots of Japanese food, have time to experience a place and not just race from site to site.
Things about me I'd like to share (work, family, personal history, hobbies, interests):
- Work
- I'm a sociologist/writer, retired DU professor, with particular interests in women's issues and family.
- Family
- Barry and I and our two children Mike and Kate lived in London for two years, from which we visited much of Europe.
- Mike and wife Heather live in Denver. Mike is working on a PhD in Psychology and Heather teaches at DU and runs a trapeze studio.
- Kate, her husband Mike, daughters Maya (6) and Sofia (almost 4), live in Rossland, British Columbia where Mike is a city planner and Kate runs an international consulting business. Both families lived abroad for several years involved in development work and teaching. Through them we visited Bosnia, Kosovo, Egypt and Macedonia.