Denver to Japan - Travelers
Steve Comstock
Contact information
Home Phone: 303-355-2752
Work Phone: 303-393-8716
Cell Phone: 303-619-3034
Street Address:
6790 E. Cedar Ave., Apt. 201
Denver, CO 80224
Trip-related background
- Previous visits to Japan:
- 1982 - month in Asia
- 1989 - visit Sakais; sell materials to Japanese company
- 1995 - Shino's wedding; adult trip to Takayama
- 1997 - chaperone students
- 2002 - chaperone students
- 2004 - lead adult trip
- 2005 - Akiko's 60th birthday
- Japanese language ability:
- Basic conversation
- Some reading and writing
- Other Connections with Japan
- Longtime neighbors / friends, Sakai
- Active in Denver / Takayama Sister Cities
What I hope to get from this adventure:
- Enjoy travel with friends
- Explore the language and culture of Japan
- Visit long time friends
- Meet new friends
- Work
- Self-employed developer and teacher of mainframe computer programming courses
- Part time acting
- Family
- Married to Kitty 45 years
- Son Marc living in L.A.
- Interests
- Music (singing, banjo, guitar)
- Travel
- Reading
- Languages
- How the internet and the World Wide Web works