Is, Is Not, Was, Was Not (existence: arimasu, imasu)
To indicate existence, Japanese uses two verbs:
- arimasu - when referencing inanimate objects:
- noun ga arimasu ka - do you have / are there / is there noun?
- hai, noun ga arimasu - there is (are) noun
- iie, noun ga arimasen - no, there is (are) no noun(s) here
- kamera ga arimasu ka - do you have cameras?
- hai, kamera ga arimasu - we have cameras
- iie, kamera ga arimasen - no, we don't have cameras
- o-cha ga arimasu ka - do you have tea?
- hai, o-cha ga arimasu - yes, we have tea
- iie, o-cha ga arimasen - no, we don't have tea
- meishi ga arimasu ka - do you have a name card?
- hai, meishi ga arimasu - yes, I have a card
- Examples
- imasu - when referencing living objects
- name-san ga imasu ka - is name here (around)?
- hai, name-san ga imasu - yes, name-san is here
- iie, name-san ga imasen - no, name-san is not here
- noun ga imasu ka - is there a noun here (around)?
- hai, noun imasu - yes, we have a noun here / we have noun(s) here
- Mahoney-san ga imasu ka - Is Mr(s). Mahoney here?
- hai, Mahoney-san ga imasu - Yes, Mahoney is here
- iie, Mahoney-san ga imasen - No, Mahoney is not here
- inu ga imasu ka - Is there a dog here / do you have dogs here?
- hai, inu ga imasu - Yes, {there is a dog | there are dogs} here
- iie, inu ga imasen - No, there are no dogs here
- Examples
While not as frequently needed, you should be able to see the patterns:
arimashita - there was / were (inanimate)
arimesendeshita - there was not / were not (inanimate)
imashita - there was / were (living)
imasendeshita - there was not / were not (living)